Treyson, Lea, Deidre, RJ, Blakelee, Kaiden

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Thank goodness for school!

School finally started on August 14th. I'm so excited. The last couple of weeks the kids have been teasing and fighting all day long. I kept telling people that school had to start or I was going to jail. Treyson and Kaiden started on the 14th. Treyson is in 5th grade and his class and the 6th grade are trying a rotating schedule like in middle school. He really likes it. Kaiden is in 2nd grade, and improving everyday. He is still behind but is doing better and better all the time. He really loves his teacher. Lea didn't start kindergarten until August 21st. She is in all day kindergarten, and I love it. Blakelee and I are home alone from 8-2:30. We are having a lot of fun. Lea's teacher is our bishops wife who also is the chorister in primary so Lea knows her quit well and loves her as a teacher. I thought I would have more time once the kids went back to school but every time I try to start a project Blakelee needs me to meer (come here). I decided to start organizing my photos and put them into albums. I haven't touched a picture since 2004 so I have a big project ahead of me.


allison said...

hooray for school! i love that the boys are still wearing their Wranglers!

..toni.. said...

I know exactly what you mean about thinking you will have so much time and it just isnt there. But I am so glad school is finally started. I desperately needed a schedule and a good reason to put the kids to bed at a decent hour. Horray for you for attempting to organize your picutes...I too am starting to feel the need to do it. I guess there is no point in taking pictures if I only store them on a cd...good luck with your project. If you come up with a good system, let me know!

Heather said...

Oh my goodness the boys are getting so big - I keep remembering them as three and five year olds. I guess that means I am getting old!! I swear I don't feel a day over twenty-five! :)