All of us with the Nashville Tribute Band
This is how RaSelle always travels
Last month I attended Timeout for Women in Las Vegas. My mom had bought her my sisters, and I tickets for last February, but it happened to fall on the same weekend of Pres. Hinckley's funeral, so it was rescheduled for Sept. My mom's sister and all of the girls in her family also went with us. We had such a great time. Friday night the Nashville Tribute band performed and it was so great. We then spent the night at the South Point Casino Hotel, 14 of us in 2 rooms. The next day we had awesome speakers. If anyone has ever thought about going to Timeout for Women I definitely recommend it. It really helped me to regroup and feel so much better about life and my role as a mother. It was great.
We live right by the South Point!! If you are in town again let us know!! Glad you had fun.
How fun! I agree, Time out for Women is a blast. I was able to go two years ago here in Reno and hope to go again! It would be awesome if you came out here for it next time!
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